College Dorm Room Back-to-school Must-Haves

Back-to-school season is upon us! Fall is approaching, which usually means back to college or university. Even though this year might be different, we still need to prepare ourselves during this time more than ever!

We tend to forget about the most essential item for our dorm needs, which are shower shoes. These are always the last on the list, but importantly it should be one of the first. Shower shoes are what you wear when you need to walk around near pools, bathrooms, or shower rooms. When walking around barefoot in such places, we are exposing our feet to a number of fungi or bacteria. It is best to invest in a good pair of waterproof shoes or sandals to wear in and out to keep your feet safe and healthy.

More than ever we need to be extra careful during this time to avoid infections being transmitted through our feet. It might sound scary, right? But don’t you worry because we have you covered! Our shower shoes come in different styles and patterns, so you don’t have to compromise on fashion. Our flops contain antimicrobials, which help prevent odor, as well as the transfer and growth of bacteria and fungus on the soles! Additionally, our slip-resistant soles offer some of the best traction on slippery surfaces -- and our flops have drainage holes distributed throughout the sole, helping them dry much quicker than other flops! But they're not just beneficial for your health and safety -- they are also very comfortable, and definitely a must-have as one of your dorm essentials. 

Here are some of our back-to-school favs!

Rainbow Lips



We know that back-to-school can be stressful as it is, but now you have one less thing to worry about! Showaflops offers unique styles and colors for everyone.Tag us when you select the perfect pair for your dorm needs. We are excited to see your Showaflops favorite!